About Jasjot Singh
My name is Jasjot Singh and I’m a rising sophomore at Western University from Toronto, Canada. I am majoring in Finance at Western University and have always had a passion for Gurmat Sangeet. This has been a great medium for relieving stress and expressing my creativity, especially during exam season! I recently started taking vocal training a few months back and hope to learn both the theoretical and practical behind Gurmat Sangeet through this internship!
The Circumstantial Influence on Given Raags in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
The paper, “The Structural Analysis of the Mishrat Forms under Raag Gauri” makes a humble attempt to conduct an analysis upon the mishrat forms of Raag Gauri. This analysis consists of understanding the variations and similarities in the approach taken by distinguished Sikh Scholars in the field of Gurmat Sangeet such as; Dr. Gurnaam Singh, Prof. Kartar Singh. Principal Sukhwant Singh and Bhai Avtar Singh. The paper explored each of the 12 forms of Raag Gauri; different musical structures partnered with different phrases, surs and times they should be sung. Through this paper the greatness of not only Guru Granth Sahib Ji but also the focus that he put on the musical aspect of Gurbani is achieved. Through this paper the importance of such information is demonstrated in an attempt to keep the tradition of Gurmat Sangeet alive and pass on this fulwari to the generations that are to come.